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Network Administration


Supersolutions Corporation

OverviewDemand publishing is the ability to issue a document request directlyfrom a database application. This request can be for information to bemerged into a document or completely composing the document withinformation stored in the database(s).Requests for documents can be database-driven or event-driven. When therequest is database-driven, a database application launches the demandpublishing application as a local or remote host process. It generatesthe proper data file for the demand publishing application to use.Event-driven demand publishing begins as a publishing application. Thepublishing application sends a database query and populates itself withthe data returned from the database.NetDoc is an intelligent document generation tool.This intelligence can range from performing a simple calculation toquerying a database to retrieve needed information. A document canactually assemble itself, including different words, phrases, paragraphs,graphics, or pages according to different user requests or data values.FeaturesIntegrates data, (graphics or text) from any database that can exportASCII files for use as variable field data in forms, text, graphics,charts, etc.Prints documents on-demand individually or in sets.Can accept document requests from multiple databases on the networksimultaneously. Demand publishing is database-independent.Archives documents together with the merged variable data for laterreprinting or viewing.BenefitsElectronically archives document originals.Reduces Errors and Increases AccuracyField validation techniques are used at data entry time for the data tobe used throughout the system.Data Integrity is enforced by keeping database and document informationconsistent by providing a single point of data input and document printrequest.Consistency of content and format is ensured since important documentsare created and maintained in a controlled environment.Changes are made to master documents only.Example #1ProblemOne customer has the need to produce legal contracts and documents forloans being made in all fifty states.The current mode of operation is to manually re-enter the variable datainto electronically stored forms residing on individual personalcomputers (12). This is very time-consuming and introduces errors in thedata. The current system has no safety net for making sure that thecorrect state's documents get prepared for mailing to customers, or thatchanges made to the document are also made in the database.SolutionOur solution for the customer was to put in place a system that isdatabase driven. This system constantly monitors a network directory fora document request. Once a data file arrives, the system automaticallyselects the appropriate document(s) to be printed. The system thenconditionally assembles and populates the document(s) with the correctdata values. After completion, our solution notifies the database of thesuccess of the request.

Language: C, Motif
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: X11 R5, Motif 1.2
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.3

Supersolutions Corporation
10340 Viking Dr Ste 125
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Phone: (612) 942-6297
Fax: (612) 942-6451